About Us

50 years of experience

Gabi Shoef Ltd., leader in the field of NDT and monitoring of buildings in Israel.

The company has been providing services in these areas since 1971, for the metal, chemical, security, aviation, buildings and infrastructure, environmental protection and other industries. The company has over 100 technicians and engineers with extensive experience and certification to perform all test categories offered thereby.

In order to provide testing services at the highest professional level, each testing technology at the company is managed by an experienced engineer per a separate business unit.

The company is deployed nationwide through 3 branches and numerous teams prepared for a reliable and immediate response at any scale.

משרדי החברה - גבי שואף

Senior Management

The company’s president and founder, Mr. Gabi Shoef, with an extensive experience in non-destructive inspections, building monitoring and quality assurance in a wide range of fields.

The company’s CEO, Dr. Yossi Shoef, holds a Ph.D. in non-destructive testing and is certified to the highest engineering level in the field, Level III in 7 different testing methods.

The company’s VP, Mr. Yagil Shoef, holds a master’s degree in quality assurance and is certified to level III in 5 different testing methods.

Quality assurance team managed by 3 mechanical engineers and business managers with extensive experience in the fields of quality assurance and testing.

21st Century Engineering Solutions

The ability to meet the most stringent standards, continuous innovation and international relations rank us at the forefront of non-destructive testing and geotechnical monitoring in Israel and enable the company to operate in Israel and around the world.

Israel Laboratory Accreditation Authority

ISO17025 certification for engineering items – buildings, infrastructure and concrete, containers and pressure piping. Non-Destructive Tests. Pressure vessels – gas cylinders and open breathing systems. Environmental protection – Open air Construction – concrete, cladding and raw materials for concrete production


Accreditation from an umbrella organization combining the requirements of leading aerospace manufacturers in the field of NDT

Testing and inspection bodies

Accreditation on behalf of the National Authority for Accreditation of Laboratories under ISO 17020, to act as an examination and supervision body and determine product compliance with codes and standards

Ministry of Economy and Industry

Authorization by the Commissioner for Standardization, Ministry of Economy, to examine compatibility of products to Israeli standards


Level II and III Individual Certifications from the leading American Association for Non-Destructive Testing (ASNT)

Our Commitment

Gabi Shoef Ltd. is committed to continual provision of top quality service to its customers:

ההתחייבות שלנו - גבי שואף